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Name                        Date         Size  Description

[SND] CBS15_Dish.wav 24-Jun-98 56k "Hello America, We must have the dish." [SND] CBS15_SeenInjuns.wav 24-Jun-98 40k "Have you seen any Injuns around here?" [SND] CBS15_TVparty.wav 24-Jun-98 53k "TV. TV party tonight..Hello America, we must have the dish." [SND] CBS15_TheyGotTheLady...24-Jun-98 104k "They got the lady. O'rourke, they got the lady." [SND] CBS15_TheyMissedMe.wav 24-Jun-98 53k "They missed me, du-huh" [SND] CBS15_UNoINoWeNo.wav 24-Jun-98 386k "I know that you know that I know..." [SND] CBS15_WeAreCBS15.wav 24-Jun-98 86k "We are Cowborg Series 15.." [SND] Daisy_WhatRyaBlabberi..16-Jun-98 45k "What are ya blabberin' about now?" [SND] Doc_GHoudini.wav 24-Jun-98 42k "Go get'em Ghooo-dini." [SND] Doc_GRhoooldon.wav 16-Jun-98 70k "Galaxy Rangers hooooold on!" [SND] Doc_OhyoubigJ19.wav 16-Jun-98 133k "O you big, beautiful J-19 Winsing, come to poppa!" [SND] Doc_Pinrod.wav 24-Jun-98 53k "Pinrod" [SND] Doc_superserloin.wav 16-Jun-98 80k "Looks like they're after some super-serloin steak.." [SND] GV_checkitout.wav 16-Jun-98 38k "Check it out.." [SND] GV_oohhuhooo.wav 16-Jun-98 48k "OOOOoOoOoooO" [SND] GV_screensdown.wav 16-Jun-98 50k "Screens are down!" [SND] GV_targetlocked.wav 16-Jun-98 58k "Target locked..." [SND] Goose_DaileyLockRowle..24-Jun-98 113k "Dailey, Lock, Rowley: Come with me." [SND] Goose_Discipline.wav 24-Jun-98 150k "..'the boy will be punished'..Leave that to me." [SND] Goose_NoGutsNoGlory.wav24-Jun-98 501k "You know what they say Senator, no guts, no glory." [SND] Goose_Shootwithmyfeet..24-Jun-98 300k "I don't shoot with my feet." [SND] Goose_SoLong.wav 16-Jun-98 58k "So long sheriff. And keep care of your pretty little girl." [SND] Goose_Tenderfoot.wav 16-Jun-98 144k "Does this mean I move up out of the tenderfoot class?" [SND] Goose_Trouble.wav 16-Jun-98 130k "If I can cause you trouble, any trouble at all, that'd be right fine with me." [SND] Goose_Won.wav 16-Jun-98 128k "'You won Shane, you beat him, you beat us' Yeah." [SND] Goose_theseideas.wav 16-Jun-98 43k "Where does he get these ideas?" [SND] Magic.ram 24-Jun-98 133k [SND] Niko_YeeHaa.wav 16-Jun-98 24k "Yeehaa" [SND] Nimrod_IAmNimrod.wav 24-Jun-98 129k "I am Nimrod the Hunter..." [SND] Nimrod_PetKiwi.wav 24-Jun-98 113k "How long have you had the pet Kiwi? [SND] Stanley_AsstTempPartT..24-Jun-98 159k "I'm the Assistant Temporary Part Time vacation technician here.." [SND] Zak_1NuttyShow.wav 24-Jun-98 113k "This is one nutty show.." [SND] Zak_DoUReadMe.wav 24-Jun-98 147k "This is Galaxy Ranger Zachary Foxx..." [SND] Zak_GoosenNikowet.wav 16-Jun-98 63k "Goose and Niko, take the wet side.." [SND] Zozo_badjoke.wav 16-Jun-98 145k [SND] Zozo_heshuman.wav 16-Jun-98 74k [   ] grdesktoptheme.exe 24-Jun-98 1.2M